How safe is your lab?
Laboratory Systems Group Service regard safety and performance as number one within all Australian laboratories providing protection for you, your lab and the environment.
Regular service and maintenance should never be overlooked, and Laboratory Systems Group Service have a team of passionate technicians ready to protect your lab. It is a requirement of the Australian Standard AS/NZS 2243.8 and AS/NZS 2243.9 that your fume extraction equipment has a major annual service to ensure that your laboratory complies with the Occupational Health & Safety Act (2004) and associated regulations.
Laboratory Systems Group Service can provide you with ongoing NATA certified service and maintenance, along with expert advice and site visits where necessary. Our technicians specialise in the maintenance of contamination control equipment, with many years experience and training. We can provide -
- Major Annual Servicing
- Minor Six Monthly Servicing
- Regular Maintenance
- Smoke & Velocity Testing
- NATA Test & Service Reports
- Repair & Upgrade Work
- Filter Replacement & Testing
- Decontamination of Cabinets, Ductwork & Facilities
- Risk Assessments
- Laboratory Fit Outs
Service & Maintenance
The following maintenance and testing schedule should be used as a guide for minimum requirements only. If your fume cupboard(s) has more continual use, you may require more frequent testing, service or maintenance.
Service & Testing of Fume Cupboards
The Australian Standard AS/NZS 2243.8 requires that fume cupboards, “from cupboard to discharge stack, shall be subject to periodic inspection and maintenance”. The Standard requires that, on a weekly basis, “air cleaning devices, if installed, shall be inspected and maintained in accordance with maintenance manuals, and trapped contaminants safely disposed.”
MINOR SERVICE (6 monthly)
At a minor service, SafetySMART™ does the following :
- Perform a smoke test in accordance with Appendix A of the Standard.
- Perform a face velocity test in accordance with Appendix B of the Standard.
- Check that the scrubber and wash-down facility, if fitted, is functioning efficiently.
- If fitted, inspect the fire damper and the release mechanism and replace fusible link, if required.
- Check that any air cleaning device, if fitted is operating efficiently and maintain if required.
- Check the visual condition of thermal detector and sprinkler heads, if fitted.
- Remove baffles where possible and clean both the baffles and the rear of the fume cupboard chamber.
MAJOR SERVICE (12 monthly)
At a major service, SafetySMART™ does all of the items in a minor service as well as the following:
- Wash entire surface of the chamber including the aerofoil, if fitted, with dilute detergent solution and repair defects as necessary
- Check condition of the services to the cupboard and ensure that all are properly identified and operational.
- Inspect and maintain fans, their motors, drives (including belts) and bearings. Lubricate where appropriate.
- Check stability and condition of the discharge stack.
- Inspect condition of the exhaust ducting, where possible, particularly the joints and ensure drain points are clear.
- Check make-up air balance
- Check condition and satisfactory operation of the fume cupboard control system.
- Check operation of the emergency isolator and isolation of services.
- Check operation of the automatic isolator by providing inadequate airflow conditions to the fume cupboard.
- The system shall be tested for overall compliance with the Standard.
- Attach a self-adhesive label to the fume cupboard showing the inspection date, name of inspector and report number, overall test result (pass or fail) and the date the next inspection is due.
Testing of the fume cupboard via smoke test and face velocity test, is conducted at both services, or can be done separately.
Protecting your laboratory has never been so simple - for an assessment of your servicing needs, or just to talk to an expert, call Laboratory Systems Group Service today
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