SafeGuard Pro RCLF Ductless Fume Cupboard
Product Features

- Seamless polypropylene construction
- Available in standard 1200 and 1800 widths
- HEPA filter for filtration of particulates to 0.3 micros at 99.997% efficiency
- Carbon filter option for gases
- Operates from standard 10 Amp 110V/220V electrical outlet
- Guard™ control system monitors face velocity & blower speed
- Standard LED light
- Removable base for easy cleaning
- Optional spill drain
- Optional sliding sash
- Optional polypropylene sinks & services duct
- Optional ULPA filter

The SafeGuard Pro recirculating laminar flow (RCLF) fume cupboards protect both the operator and the process from hazardous airborne contaminants. Ideal for pharmaceutical development, electrical inspection and trace analysis applications, the SafeGuard Pro RCLF offers a seamless polypropylene design with exceptional chemical resistance—a perfect alternative to standard metal fume cupboards which risk rust and reduced safety. The Laboratory Systems Group Guard™ control system constantly monitors face velocity and adjusts blower speed to maintain a balanced flow of laminar air at all times. Exhausted air can be totally exhausted or recirculated through a secondary HEPA and carbon filter before it is returned. To find out more, contact one of our sales team members today.
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